Saturday, November 8, 2008

SANE Temple Symposium

The BYU "Students of the Ancient Near East" sponsored a symposium yesterday on "Temples and Rituals in Antiquity." Many of the presentations were video taped, and will be put on Google Video in the next week or so. I'll provide a link when these are ready.

In the meantime, two presentations are available on the web as video podcasts:

William Hamblin
"What is the Merkabah (Chariot) in Ezekiel 1"

David Seely and William Hamblin
"The Hand of God: From Theophany to Apotheosis"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The quality of scholarship among these younger Latter-day Saints seems to be of a higher magnitude than only a few short years ago. The torch of Hugh Nibley and others is now carried by a new generation. This will impact members right down to the ward and quorum level. A 'trickle down" theory of theology.